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2015 - Search and Rescue Animals (eBook)

Search and Rescue Animals (eBook)

Regular price $19.95


Search and rescue animals are used around the world in many dangerous situations. From rescuing hikers or skiers who are lost or caught in an avalanche, to assisting first responders, like police in finding missing persons, sniffing out explosives, and saving lives, the abilities and variety of animals used are all captured in this book. With informational text boxes and sidebars, brilliant photographs with captions, and the different animals and training techniques these animal heroes must master this book will be an instant hit! This book will allow students to identify the main purpose of a text, including what the author wants to answer, explain, or describe.


ISBN 9781634301237
Format Pdf
Languages English
Copyright 2015
Subject High interest
Bisac Jnf003000
Dewey 590
Interest Level 1-4
Guided Reading Level m
Lexile 990l
AR Level 5.2
Page Count 24 Pages
Trim Size 7. 5 x 10
Author McKenzie, Precious

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