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2021 - Protecting Our Planet (eBook)

Protecting Our Planet (eBook)

Regular price $19.95


Earth is our home, but its health is in danger! In My Earth and Space Science Library: Protecting Our Planet, you'll learn more about the threats facing Earth and how you can help protect our planet.

The My Earth and Space Science Library series provides an introduction to a variety of Earth science topics for beginning readers based on the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). From our amazing world of water to how to protect our planet, these books present scientific concepts in easy-to-understand language with kid-friendly examples. Each book includes a photo glossary and an activity that supports further comprehension.


ISBN 9781731639981
Format Pdf
Copyright 2021
Subject Science
Bisac Jnf051080
Dewey 363. 7
Interest Level K-2
Guided Reading Level M
Lexile 520L
Page Count 24 Pages
Author Lisa J. Amstutz

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