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2019 - Amphibians (eBook)

Amphibians (eBook)

Regular price $19.95


The book, Animals Have Classes Too!: Amphibians, introduces young readers to animal classifications by explaining how amphibians are grouped. Through photos, text, and sidebars, this title explores the differences and similarities between several classes, families, genera, and species of amphibians, and how animal classification works. Readers will find out how amphibians are classified and what makes them unique.

The Animals Have Classes Too! series for grades 1-3 gives an introduction to animal classifications, from kingdom to species. Each 24-page book in the series details how and why animals are classified, including common traits and various habitats, giving examples at each level. Each measuring 7.5" x 10", the titles in this series offer young readers an opportunity to learn more about Earth's magnificent animals.


ISBN 9781643691770
Format Ebook
Languages English
Copyright 2019
Subject Science
Bisac Jnf003190
Dewey 597. 7
Interest Level 1-3
Guided Reading Level N
Lexile 590L
AR Level 3.8
Page Count 24 Pages
Trim Size 7.5 x 10
Author Jodie Mangor

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