This is a research-based program for grades 6-8 composed of science informational texts and instructional materials. The Program is designed to teach standards-based science content while simultaneously building literacy and language skills to meet the needs of diverse student populations:

  • Dual Language Learners
  • English Language Learners (ELLs)
  • Striving ReadersStudents may continue the development of their first language through dual language instruction or in models that include any level of native language support.



  • 100 page Teacher's Resource Guide — Teacher's User Guide and P.D.
  • Unit Plans/Language Development Strategies, 7E Learning Cycle in Science, 21st Century Skills
  • Activity Booklet
  • Testing Booklet
  • Grade Level Pre and Post Test Assessment
  • Unit Assessments — Correlations Booklet
  • Units are aligned to national and state standards.
  • 4-packs of 10 titles for a total of 40 print books.
  • e-Book versions of all 10 titles with unlimited building use license.
  • 1 Digital Resource Materials USB
STEM+ Science Image

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