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I Have Feelings - School Library Journal April 2017 Review

I Have Feelings - School Library Journal April 2017 Review

Posted by rourkeeducationalmedia Admin on

Learning to cope with changing emotions can be difficult for children. Through quirky, colorful drawings; simple writing; and familiar situations, these titles illustrate four basic feelings youngsters are sure to be well acquainted with (anger at not getting one’s way, fear during a frightening thunderstorm, etc.). Each circumstance presents the protagonist reacting in a cartoonish but believable way. While many books on emotions overlook empathy, this series incorporates it into each story by recognizing that other characters are capable of feeling similarly. With each scenario comes resolution and the reinforcement that feeling are fleeting and do not last forever. Pre- and post reading activities are included to strengthen background knowledge, vocabulary, and comprehension skills, and provide a natural segue to kick-start discussions. A picture glossary is also included. VERDICT A fine introduction to feelings that will strengthen social emotion learning. Consider for guidance counselor offices, too. 
— School Library Journal, April 2017

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