Young aspiring pet owners looking for something a little out of the ordinary will find plenty of inspiration and realistic guidance in these entries in the You Have A Pet What?! series. Bearded Dragon offers tips on body language, care, and feeding of these friendly reptiles, which are considered "one of the best lizard pets." The adorable photos of fuzzy-nosed creatures in Miniature Donkey might catapult them to the top of pet wish lists, but be prudent: these animals require companionship and lots of room, and they can live for decades. Pygmy Goat emphasizes the playfulness of these pets as well as their extensive hygiene and space requirements. A note about being a good neighbor—goats are loud and smelly, after all—is particularly helpful. Although the thought of a pet skunk might make many people turn up their noses, Skunk debunks that notion by declaring, "This boldly striped animal is curious, quick to learn, and tenderhearted." A repeated exhortation to follow local laws for skunk ownership—in some states, it's illegal to own one at all, and it's never legal to capture a wild one—is especially useful. Packed with practical, accessible information and lots of engaging photos, these titles might (rightly) dissuade some eager odd-animal lovers, but readers will come away with plenty of knowledge about each unique creature.
—Sarah Hunter, Booklist April 2017

You Have A Pet What?! - Booklist April 2017 Review
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